Cloud Cost Audit
A Cloud Cost Audit shows you where you're losing money, so you can save up to 30% without hassle or risk.
APM As A Managed Service
Tools for Application Performance Monitoring (APM) are easy to buy. But are they usefuul to you? Getting eyes on your application is more than just showing CPU, Disk, memory and network in a graph. Because those can all be green while ypour customers and users ares still waiting.
Your application or site is too slow. Maybe much too slow. And you don't know why. Use our troubleshoot and you'll know why it's too slow and how you can fix it.
Application Performance Management
Your hardware may be running like a charm. If it's not helping your business, or even holding it back, it's not enough. IT performance is about iT supporting your business by servicing your customers and your users faster. About getting a higher turnover. About reducing cost. Sciante's iT performance management tells you where your iT is not supporting your business as well as it should. By measuring the impact on your business, your customers and your users as well as the technical iT performance. Click to find out how we can help you optimize your business instead of just optimizing your technology
User Experience Analysis
Your customers and users experience is crucial for how your business runs. A web shop with good performance can sell up to 36 times as much as one that performs poorly for example. Keeping customers engaged and making sure employees can keep going requires sufficient speed. And that speed is much more than just your web server or application. In today's complicated landscapes, many components, some not even managed by you, contribute to the speed your customers and users experience. Our User eXperience Analysis tells you exactly which components contribute how much delay. Allowing you to optimize both turnover and cost.
Capacity management
You're growing and you want to stay in control. Your customers and users seem to be happy. You want to keep them happy. Use our capacity management to keep the control you need.
Tableau Performance
Tableau is a complex product that combines interactive reporting and data warehousing. When used the right way it helps your people do their job fast and easy, making them more productive and saving you money. When used wrong it holds back your people, sinking their productivity and costing you a lot of money each and every day.