How long does a second last for you?
In Formula 1 racing a second lasts forever. On a cosmic scale it doesn't take the blink of an eye. How long does a second last for your company?
Your customers won't wait for your website
A customer of mine in the travel industry has a nice looking website. If you ask for information about any region you're also shown a map of the area.
How much risk does your company run from home workers?
The way you work has changed suddenly and radically over the past months. Did you know that also drastically changed the way you use your IT infrastructure? And that your company is running a lot of new risk and has probably already lost a lot of productivity without even knowing it? Your Internet...
The traffic jam in your Data warehouse
Imagine you have 1000 trucks to move your goods, but only a 2 lane road to your company. If your goods aren’t moving fast enough will you buy more trucks or invest in a wider road? As obvious as this example seems, when it’s about IT, people buy the trucks.